



鲍比·都铎的声明, 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议主席兼首席执行官, 阿尔忒弥斯皇冠HGA010官方下载合作伙伴
“当Hga010皇冠软件下载在2021年启动休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议时, 推进氢项目是Hga010皇冠软件下载的主要工作流程之一, Hga010皇冠软件下载Hga010皇冠软件下载分公司的工作感到骄傲, 休斯顿未来中心, 谢谢你把这个重要的项目变为现实.

Clean 氢 will play a critical role in decarbonizing major industries and producing a variety of e-fuels.  作为当今领先的氢气生产商, Houston is poised to be at the center of a global marketplace for clean 氢.  被选为氢气中心是朝着这个方向迈出的重要一步.”

Statement Attributable to Bob Harvey, President and CEO, Greater Houston Partnership
“Houston is perfectly positioned to lead the global transition to an energy-abundant, 低碳未来. Our selection as the home of a major 氢 hub is a great example of the game-changing activity taking place in the Houston region and extending across Texas and the Gulf Coast.

作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, 休斯顿有基础设施, 人才, and know-how to create and execute innovative low-carbon solutions to power the world and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  It is gratifying to see this being recognized by the Biden Administration as they move forward with the implementation of a wide variety of federal initiatives focused on enabling climate solutions.

Congratulations to the entire HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub team including GTI 皇冠HGA010官方下载, 行业合作伙伴和组织参与者, 包括休斯顿未来中心.”


航空航天 & 航空


休斯顿地区的FluxWorks正在发展磁性齿轮技术, 具有跨行业的高效和可靠性. 由首席执行官博士领导. Bryton Praslicka, FluxWorks leverages over a decade of research to revolutionize gear technology, 应用范围从可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载到太空探索. “NASA funded us to develop a gearbox for the next-generation Lunar Rover to go to the dark side of the moon,”医生说。. Bryton Praslicka, FluxWorks的首席执行官. “We needed to make a gearbox as lightweight and robust as possible while also withstanding extreme conditions—low temperatures, 低的气氛, 硬真空. 这就是我第一个专利的由来.” The company’s magnetic gear designs bring 99% efficiency and are four times quieter than their conventional counterparts. 代替机械齿, the gears rely on magnetic forces to transfer power—eliminating the need for lubrication, 减少维护需求, 大大提高了可靠性. 除了他正在申请专利的设计创新, Praslicka emphasized how FluxWorks builds on existing electric motor manufacturing techniques and supply chains to enable rapid scalability. “Our unparalleled magnetic gear expertise means we can quickly get to market by retrofitting existing systems that already have electric motors, 已经有变速箱了,普拉西卡说. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载技术真正令人兴奋的机会之一.” 有了这种创新的商业模式, the company placed second at the Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Ventures Pitch Competition at CERAWeek, 世界首屈一指的皇冠HGA010官方下载会议, and took home the grand prize at the 2023 Rice Business Plan Competition hosted by the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship and Jones Graduate School of Business. The FluxWorks team was also selected as the Water Power Technologies Office Bonus Prize Winner at the Department of 皇冠HGA010官方下载’s (DOE) 皇冠HGA010官方下载Tech UP competition. "FluxWorks gearboxes deliver breakthrough performance with minimal maintenance, making them ideal for extreme applications and remote locations where uptime is critical,普拉西卡说. The company aims to bring its lab-proven magnetic gears to real-world environments by field testing its technology in subsea wave energy conversion, 陆上风力涡轮机, 国际空间站(ISS), 和更多的. “Hga010皇冠软件下载创新的变速箱具有前所未有的可靠性,”Praslicka说. “寿命长达25年, we can drastically minimize operational and maintenance costs for our customers. Our vision is to use magnetic gears to unlock a technology’s full potential.” 探索休斯顿不断发展的产业.


拥有庞大的皇冠HGA010官方下载公司投资组合, 健壮的基础设施, 丰富的土地和有利于商业的激励措施, 德州是太阳能的中心, 吸引投资者, 开发商和公司对国家.   A new report revealed that solar generation outpaced coal-fired power plants last month in supplying electricity to the Texas power grid, 造成3.2600万兆瓦时(MWh). This notable achievement signifies the first time ever that solar energy has exceeded coal in power generation.  In 2023, 德克萨斯州安装了超过6台,500兆瓦的太阳能发电, 领先全国,连续第二年超过加州, according to Houston Chronicle’s analysis of Wood Mackenzie’s annual Solar Market report.   最近一份由美国政府发布的报告显示.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Information Administration (EIA) projects Texas to continue to lead new utility-scale solar capacity this year, 占EIA预期的58%的35%, or 62.8 gigawatts, of new solar capacity in 2024, signaling a record-breaking addition to the grid.   根据太阳能工业协会的说法, 2023年第四季度, 德克萨斯州在太阳能领域的投资超过270亿美元. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于该州太阳能热潮的前沿, 连续中标大型太阳能项目.  单击展开 The Partnership has played a vital role in securing notable solar energy project victories for the region, 包括艾琳皇冠HGA010官方下载225的成立,000平方英尺的太阳能电池板制造工厂. 年生产能力2台,000兆瓦, 该设施预计将于今年开始运营, 据《皇冠HGA010官方下载》报道.  Other successful projects include SEG Solar’s PV module manufacturing plant in northwest Harris County. The new facility has an anticipated annual capacity of more than two gigawatts with an anticipated opening date of this year.   “SEG is excited to establish a manufacturing base in Texas and is looking forward to serving the U.S. market with more domestic production,” said SEG’s VP and CLO Michael Eden in a press release. “This facility will help to sustain low carbon, eco centric energy independence in the U.S. 为了子孙后代.”  光源,, 总部位于休斯顿的英国石油公司的子公司, also recently announced that it will develop and operate two new solar farms in Texas, 在完成了3.48亿美元的融资计划后. 的项目, 位于布拉索里亚县和斯塔尔县, 总容量将达到288兆瓦, 哪一个够50个,000个家庭. 这两个项目都计划于今年上线.   单击展开 去年, global energy corporation and Partnership member TotalEnergies began operations at its new solar farm in south Houston. 根据该公司的Hga010皇冠软件下载, 这个380兆瓦的农场被称为默特尔太阳能, 能否产生足够的绿色电力来覆盖70年的皇冠HGA010官方下载消耗,000个家庭.  “This startup is another milestone in achieving our goal to build an integrated and profitable position in Texas, 哪里的ERCOT是主要的电网运营商,文森特·斯托夸特说, 高级副总裁, total energy的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载.  Additionally, phase two of the Sunnyside Solar Farm is expected to be completed this year. The project will transform a 240-acre former landfill into a solar power farm, 使其成为全国最大的城市太阳能发电场,建在垃圾填埋场上, 根据休斯顿市的说法.  了解更多关于休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议.  


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